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Let’s Dance

Washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen used to be a tedious chore. Then one day I decided to put on some music while in the kitchen.

And the dancing began.

Not full-out competition routine or club dancing, but moving around and singing along with the music. Nothing fancy. I started to actually have fun washing the dishes, wiping the counters, etc. People walking by who can see in the window probably get a good chuckle if they see me. 🙂

I have always enjoyed dancing and have taken classes in the past. So rediscovering it by dancing around the kitchen was great for me. It even inspired me to take a hip hop class for the first time in many years. That was a blast! I’m not prepared to audition for So You Think You Can Dance, but I did okay and got some good exercise.

If you enjoy dancing, too, remember that it is another creative outlet you can use. Even if you haven’t enjoyed dancing in the past, try it again sometime. You might be surprised.